We hope your time at the Children’s Hospital Child Care Centre is an enjoyable and rewarding experience for you and your child. We welcome your comments and if you have any queries or concerns, or if you require more detailed information on any CHCCC policies or procedures, please see the Policy Hand book provided in the Reception area, or contact the Director by telephoning 6456 0501 or email chccc@health.wa.gov.au

Below are some phone numbers of outside Agencies that may be of help to you or your family:

Department OF Communities: 6217 6888

Perth Children’s Hospital: 6456 0501

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Health Direct: 1800 022 222

Parent Help Centre: 6279 1200

Ngala Parenting Line: 9368 9368

Poisons Info Line: 131 126

Mental Health Emergency: 1300 555 788

Crisis Care: 9223 1111

Legal Aid Info Line: 1300 650 579

Rae Young Director/Nominated Supervisor

Compliments, Suggestions, Complaints Form

We value your comments, feedback and suggestions, positive or negative, so we can review and continually improve our service.

Please fill out your comments on this online form.

If it is a confidential matter, please either complete the online form without leaving your name and contact email, or enclose this form in an envelope. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact the Director or the Chairperson of the Committee of Management directly by email chccc@health.wa.gov.au or by telephoning 6456 0501.

Complaints can also be directed to the Education and Care Regulatory Unit on 6551 8333, or free call on 1800 199 383.

Download the Compliments, Suggestions, Complaints Form